Ten dollars may not sound like a lot of money, but in a world where so many applications are free, paid software has to prove its worth. Luckily, though CopyTrans Contacts lets you do more than edit your contact list-and it has to in order to justify its $10 price tag. Sure, you can add a lot of these details on your iOS device, too, but doing so on a big screen is just easier. You can select individual contacts for editing, adding plenty of details along the way, such as their birthday and anniversary, their relatives, and various addresses.
Simply install CopyTrans Contacts on your PC and connect your iOS device via USB the application automatically recognizes the device and loads the contact list for you. That’s where CopyTrans Contacts comes in: This $10 PC application lets you edit and manage your iOS contacts using the comfy keyboard and spacious screen of your Windows computer. But when you want to actually manage those contacts beyond just adding a name or phone number, the iPhone’s or iPad’s relatively small screen and lack of a keyboard can be very limiting. Your iPhone contact manager is great for simply tapping a name to initiate a call or message.